Toddlers’ House At Home Learning

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NEW on 4-15-2020:

Bedtime Was Hard Enough. Then Came Quarantine. (NY Times article)

4/6/20: How to Stay Healthy - Goals and Tips

4/3/20: Social Distancing with a Toddler article from the Washington Post

We tried to make it a bit easier for you and went and made one document with all the zoom dates and links to click on for both Toddler Group Time and Parent Support:

TODDLER GROUP TIME (Weekdays at 10 am)

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly:

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 543 327 338

During this time off it is important to remember that young children love their routines and rituals. Continue to include the basic elements of your child’s daily routine throughout this time. It is more important to keep events in order than it is to focus on specific timing to help you with that below we have provided our daily schedule.

Toddlers’ House Daily Schedule

8:15 – 10:30 : Children are encouraged to engage with work in the environment. During this time children are asked to take bathroom breaks.

9:00: Child is asked to help prepare snack.

9:00 – 10:00 – Snack is open.

10:00: Snack is closed.

10:30: Children participate in a group time that involves singing, creative movement, finger plays and storytelling.

10:45: Weather permitting the children and caregivers spend time outdoors.

11:30: Children go inside, wash their hands, set their spot at the table, and eat lunch.

12:15: Lunch is closed.

12:15 - 12:30: Children take a bathroom break and wash their hands/face. During this time some children may have time to work for a short bit.

12:30: Transition to nap. The nap schedule is flexible as we work to meet the needs of each individual child

2:15 – 3:00 : Usually some children have begun to awaken and children are asked to take a bathroom break. Children are encouraged to engage with work.

3:00 – 3:30 : Children spend time outside if weather permits if not they continue to explore the environment and materials.

3:30: Snack Hibernation Song

Montessori Kits

We have organized materials and resources to support learning at home. These include a kit with materials your child is familiar with to use while at home, a list of fun and educational sites, a google folder with storytime, songs, and additional support material and a schedule for parent support video meetings.

~Cutting: We have supplied each family with a pair of age-appropriate scissors. I know some of you may be freaking out a bit, but the children do pretty well with them. We have also provided paper that is about an inch in width and about 4 inches in length. This paper can be used for your child to try and snip or cut.

~Stickers: Toddlers love stickers! Stickers are a great way for toddlers to strengthen their fine motor skills. We typically cut small strips with about three to four stickers on it. The child then will work on taking the sticker off of the paper to place it on their own paper.

~Gluing and pasting: We have provided a small glue container. Children in Ms. Stacy’s class are used to squeezing glue out of a bottle similar to this. Ms. Tracey’s class usually does their gluing work from a small dish and then use a paintbrush to spread the glue onto paper. For items to glue, you can use small pieces of yarn or ribbon, cut up some colorful paper, cut up newspaper/magazines/or even old wrapping paper, old fabric, etc.

~Playdough: We have provided each family with a small container of playdough. We also supplied a cookie cutter. Typically the toddlers do the playdough right at the table. They love rolling it out with a rolling pin and making shapes with cookie cutters, cutting it with a butter knife, hammering it with a wooden hammer, etc. One fun activity you could also do with the playdough is stick spaghetti noodles into the playdough and then have your child string cheerios down the noodle.

~Washing tables and windows: I mean who doesn’t want someone to help them clean. Well here’s a secret: toddlers love helping and doing purposeful work. We have provided each family a small spray bottle and a small towel. Your child will be busy for hours!

~Fine motor work: Get any old container such as an oatmeal, cottage cheese, or yogurt container. You will want to make sure that your child will be able to be successful at taking the lid off. Cut a small slit in the middle of the lid. You then can give your child the popsicle sticks we provided to put through the small slit.

~Fine motor work: Get any old container such as an oatmeal, cottage cheese, or yogurt container. You will want to make sure that your child will be able to be successful at taking the lid off. Cut a small hole in the middle of the lid. You can then give your child the small pom poms we provided to push through the hole.

~Homemade Pom Pom Push: Two large pom poms and/ or a ping pong ball. You can use the pom poms with an empty toilet paper roll (we hope you still have full rolls at home too!) Toddlers love to push something through a tube or to drop it down. Duct Tape and toilet paper or paper towel rolls can be used to create more drops and ramps. If you use tape to attach the paper towel roll to a kitchen cabinet door, you can place a bowl or basket underneath. Then, they can drop the pom pom through and watch it fall into the basket.

Online Support

Reminder: This support will occur during the days school is open. During Spring Break we will not be sending emails or holding Zoom meetings.

Daily Email: We will send you some ideas each day to either use material from your kit or basic household items to create new activities as you need them.

Zoom: If you are new to Zoom, here are some hints about how it works. We will send you an invitation to each Zoom meeting. It is possible to join Zoom from a computer, phone or ipad. The invitation includes a link, you simply click on the link, and you will be taken to our Zoom meeting. You will be able to enter the meeting at the scheduled time. If you do not have video, you can join with just audio.

For Your Children: 10:00 am Storytime and Sing-a-long: We will read books and sing songs and connect with your children for approximately thirty minutes on Zoom. If the timing does not work for your family, we will also record this time and post it on our google drive for you to access any time.

For You: Monday, Wednesday, Fridays: 6:00 pm and Tuesday, Thursday at 8:00pm. We will be offering you a time each day to check in with us either to ask for support or simply to have a chance to connect with other adults who are home tending children. We will open a Zoom call and be available for an hour. If on a particular day no one attends, we will close the Zoom meeting after the first fifteen minutes. We will be offering two different times...6:00pm and 10:00pm. This will allow you to join whatever time or day works best for your schedule.

If you would like to have an individual conversation with one of us, please email us and we are happy to set up a time to talk either on Zoom or on the telephone. And, if you have specific questions about the kits, resources, or anything else, please contact us. Know that we will be holding you and your children in our hearts and minds during this unpredictable time.
