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2025 BIDS 4 KIDS

Saturday, April 26, 2025

6:00 - 10:00 pm

RPMS, 5246 E Rotamer Rd, Janesville.

This year’s Bids 4 Kids fundraiser is a pirate adventure! Dress-up encouraged, but not required. New this year: a pre-event auction and raffle! While the majority of our donations will only be available by raffle or silent auction paper bidding at the event, we will reserve a small handful of items to raffle off the week before the event as well as a facebook auction for an item or two.

Donations and Sponsorships

We are currently accepting donaations for our auction and raffle baskets, as well as sponsors. As a Wisconsin Not-For-Profit Corporation (501)(c)3, donations are tax-deductible!

Click below for:

Donation and Sponsorship Letter

Donation and Sponsor Form


Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated our 30th anniversary and 20th annual Bids 4 Kids event! We raised over $8000 due to our generous donors, sponsors and bidders!

Thank you to our 2024 donors: 

Arntzen Family, Barlass Family, Basics, Becker Family, Beloit Skycarp Baseball, Beyer/Keating Family, Blain Supply, Brockman Family, Burke Family, Cave of the Mounds, Comedy on State, Dahl Family, DeLong Company, Discovery World, Dittmann Family, Growing Roots, First National Bank & Trust, Forward Theater Company, Fraundorfer Family, Gordie Boucher Ford, Green Bay Packers, Grefsheim Family, Hamburg Family, Harbor Shores on Lake Geneva, Hermann/Applebaum Family, Hunt-N-Gear, Hy-Vee, Janesville Athletic Club, Janesville Country Club, Janesville Jets Hockey, Klobucar Family, Ludeman Family, Madison Ballet, Martha Carver, Martin Family, McCarthy Family, McGovern Family, Milwaukee Admirals, Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee World Festival, Inc., Ellen Murphy, National River Museum and Aquarium, Northleaf Winery, Olbrich Gardens, Orange Tree Imports, Parpart Family, Patel Family, Pierce Family, Popp Family, Potter Family, Precision Building Solutions, Rejuvenation Spa, Rinehart Targets, Hope Robbins, RPMS Staff, Samra Family, Schuster’s Farm, Sean Tompkins Sporting Goods, Shekhani Family, Singer Family,, Springer Family, VonBank Family.s.